Mouchaart - Interior design and decoration articles in Marrakech

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N 37, Street Abou hayan Taouhidi Gueliz Marrakech

Moroccan decorations that you should definitely have in your home

Generally, there are several styles of decoration in the world but Moroccan decoration is distinguished by a mystical nature and a mixture of African and Western culture. The bright colors, the material of the fabrics, and the beautiful shapes of the Moroccan decorations will radically transform your interiors. So, in this article, we are going to propose you Moroccan decorations that you should definitely have in your home. In other terms, you'll discover Moroccan accessories for decorating your home and interiors.

If you like the colors, the noise, the food, the landscapes and the madness of the markets (souks), you will certainly like Morocco and its atmosphere and you will like more the interior Moroccan decorations which will create, certainly, an exotic and luxurious escape in your own house. 

The Moroccan decorating style is inspired by the rich colors and patterns that Morocco is known for, as well as the country's iconic architecture. It is also inspired by several civilizations (Jewish, French, Persian and many others). This set of civilizations have contributed a lot to the Moroccan culture, which has also impacted the Moroccan interior decoration. But the major influence is the dominant Islamic trend.

So, we can conclude that the popularity of Moroccan interior design is due to the superb mixture of different cultures and the attraction of the look.

In Moroccan homes, they are often found decorated with intricate carvings, filigree and beautiful tile mosaics. Ottomans and patterned rugs are also common in Moroccan decorating, creating a warm and welcoming space. To install a purely Moroccan look in your interiors, the results are well worth the effort. It takes a little effort, but by getting involved you can transform your home into an oasis of luxury and relaxation.

]Moroccan decorations that you should definitely have in your home 

Moroccan decorations that you should definitely have in your home

Berber carpet:

The first thing to think about in interior decoration is the Berber or Amazigh carpet. These are deep, luxurious carpets that are perfect for a cold climate (European or even American climate). 

Les tapis berbères se présentent souvent en plusieurs couleurs et ils s’intègrent et s’accordent d’une manière facile à n’importe quel type de style d’intérieur.

The particularity of Berber carpets is that they are totally handmade by Amazigh women from Berber tribes which gives them a unique character with Amazigh symbols representing the events of the community. 

N’hésitez pas à consulter notre practical guide to Berber carpets by processing all the information about the carpets.

Certainly, you will find rugs that are made of polyester. But at Mouchaart we offer you 100% handmade carpets made of natural wool. Our collection is very rich offering you a large choice including all the styles of the most famous rugs, such as:

  • Carpet of Tazenakht: is handwoven according to traditional Moroccan methods and is made of high quality wool, with different pure Amazigh patterns and rather earthy color palettes.

Taznakht Carpet - The famous Berber Carpet


Taznakht Carpet - The famous Berber Carpet

  • Beni Ouarain carpet:  Handwoven in North Africa thousands of years ago and is still popular today because of its distinctive style. It is made of 100% wool. Having this kind of comfort in your room is always important. 

Beni Ouarain rug large patterns


Beni Ouarain rug large patterns

  • Carpet Tiflet is originally from the Moroccan city TIFLET which is located in northwest Morocco, west of Khemisset and east of Rabat. The Tiflet Carpet is handmade with: 60% cotton, 30% wool and 10% sabra by women artisans. A traditional piece sublime for your interior by its very decorative creativity at a good price. The Tifelt carpet is hand woven by Amazigh women in the High Atlas Mountains.

Carpet Tiflet


Carpet Tiflet


Le fait de superposer le tissu tels que les coussins, les poufs crée une ambiance confortable et décontractée en donnant envie de vous détendre et d’enlever vos chaussures. Vous pouvez utiliser une explosion de couleurs ou des tons variés des mêmes couleurs pour un look plus discret.

Who says Morocco says certainly Moroccan poufs that are part of the Moroccan tradition, and which are also handmade by experienced Moroccan craftsmen.

Vous pouvez les trouver dans plusieurs dimensions et formes. Les poufs marocains sont parfaits pour apporter une touche orientale, artisanale et purement marocaine, à votre intérieur, en les utilisant également comme siège d’appoint. 

At Mouchaart, you will find a collection of Moroccan poufs of different colors and shapes. They are handmade by artisans in Marrakech.


Les meubles sombres et ornés fabriqués avec les mains des menuisiers artisans marocains sont intemporels, beaux et typiques pour apporter une touche marocaine de luxe. Pour utiliser les meubles en bois, il faut rechercher des tons plus pâles sur de petits meubles d’appoint qui créeront un bel effet sans dominer votre pièce.

C’est le cas des séparations de salon en bois marocain fabriqué 100% en mains qui vous permet l’aménagement des pièces dans une pièce en créant une atmosphère intime, offrant une isolation visuelle tout en conservant un sentiment d’ouverture.

The finish in BRASS AND GOLD

Le Maroc est très connu par des finitions métalliques. Le plus connu c’est le laiton, de l’or et du cuivre. Ces types de finitions vous permettent d’opter pour la chaleur et ils peuvent être utilisés magnifiquement à la lumière des bougies et comme des contours de miroirs. Ce type de miroir est intemporel et indémodable. 

This type of finish can be added to metal details at touch points such as door handles and lamp pulls, but also to accessories such as light fixtures, bowls and mirrors. 

Ne devrez s’inquiéter à la ternissure du laiton. C’est facilement vous pouvez l’éliminer et éclaircir le laiton. Our guide to brightening brass is sufficient.


Speaking of Moroccan decoration, we can't forget to mention the tiles. Also called Moroccan zellige it is a Moroccan specificity. You can find them hand painted, colorful and spectacular. 

Le climat froid des pays occidentaux ne permet pas l’utilisation du carrelage dans toute la maison. C’est pour cela qu’il faut penser aux petits espaces où vous pourriez les utiliser, tels que le douche, votre couloir ou même dans la cuisine. 


La poterie marocaine est un artisanat qui s’est transmis de génération en génération et qui a pu atteindre une reconnaissance mondiale. 

La poterie marocaine est très riche et cette richesse peut s’illustrer par l’existence des différents styles de poterie: the city pottery qui est sophistiquée en reprenant les motifs de l’art islamique, produite principalement à Salé, Fès et Safi ; rural pottery reflétant l’art berbère, sobre et moins coloré mais tout aussi décoratif.

Mouchaart offers you a large collection of Moroccan pottery. In our collection you can find tagines, Moroccan ceramic glass, abstract vase.

Mouchaart vous aide à apporter une touche d’élégance en donnant l’opportunité d’acheter les décorations marocaines que vous devrez avoir.

Dans cet article, on a proposé d’après nos expériences, les décorations marocaines que vous devrez avoir pour apporter une touche d’élégance marocaine à vos intérieurs.

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